Online and Studio Class Etiquette


On-Site Studio Classes

Leave jewelry at home or in your dance bag.

No gum, food or drinks inside the studio. Please remove all crumbs and dispose of trash left from food or drinks consumed in the waiting area.

Please remove street shoes (parents and visitors too) before entering the studio.

Appropriate dancewear is required for all classes. See “Dress Code” for details

Listen to dance instruction.  Please do not chat with fellow dancers when your instructor is talking. Conversations should take place before or after dance.

No cell phones in the studio. Unless otherwise instructed, please silence your cell phone and leave in your bag outside of the studio.

Do not video or take pictures during class or performances. Parents and dancers, please ask permission from your instructor before recording or photographing any portion of your dance class.

Pay attention at all times. Watch and listen for your turn and avoid slouching or sitting unless instructed to do so.

Arrive on time and stay for the entire class. Dancers need to be on time for class and ready physically and mentally to begin. Insufficient warming up of muscles can cause injury and late-comers are distracting to the class. If you must arrive late or leave early, please discuss with Nancy or your instructor beforehand and make be as discreet as possible when entering or exiting. If you arrive late unexpectedly, quickly and quietly find your place.

Parents of Level 1 dancers, please sign-up on the calendar to bring a simple “neat” snack such as Teddy Grahams or Goldfish crackers. No beverages, please.

Practice spatial awareness. Give your instructor and fellow dancers space to avoid crowding or injury.

Always try your best. Work hard, but be kind and patient with yourself.

Be courteous and respectful to your instructor, fellow dancers, parents and volunteers.


Online Classes (Zoom)

Select a comfortable space and request privacy

Ask family members for privacy or find a quiet space free of excess noise and siblings. Interruptions are disruptive and distracting to both dancers and instructors.

Be punctual and plan ahead

Just as you would arrive on time for on-site studio instruction, please be ready to dance at the start of virtual class. Plan ahead and allow yourself extra time to get set up. Technology can be unpredictable, especially on the coast. This will make for a better experience.

Wear proper dance attire

Dress for dance class just as you would for on-site instruction and pull long hair up and away from your face.

Charge your device

Please have your device charged and ready to go and/or a charger within easy reach.

Turn your video ON but audio OFF

Having your video on will allow for better instruction and correction. However, turn your audio off to avoid distracting background noises or conversations in your home. Unmute only to answer an instructor’s question.

Use non-verbal communication

When possible, communicate “yes and no” with a thumbs up or thumbs down.

Avoid virtual backgrounds

Virtual backgrounds might be fun with friends, but they are distracting during dance class.

Provide your instructor with constructive feedback

Kindly let your instructor know if the sound quality is poor or the instructor is out of view. Please remember that your instructor and fellow dancers are navigating a new landscape, so kindness and patience is appreciated by all.

Remember your water bottle

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!


Dress Code

Appropriate dancewear is required for all classes. No baggy t-shirt, pants or shorts. Dancers should wear solid colored leotards and footless or transition tights. Proper dancewear is essential so we can see that students are doing movements correctly and prepares the dancer mentally for work.

Long hair must be tied up in a bun, if possible, and away from the face. Dancers with short hair should use barrettes to keep hair away from the face. Please come to class with an ample supply of hair pins, barrettes, ponytail elastics to keep hair out of your face.

Dancers on pointe should bring their pointe shoes to each class need footed and footless tights tights, white ankle socks, and split-sole canvas ballet slippers.